A same sex couple getting married

Four Problems Plaguing LGBTQ+ Couples Today

The TheLGBTQ+ community has a long and complicated history. It wasn’t until the 1990s that the government started to acknowledge the community, and it wasn’t until 2015 that same-sex marriage was made legal nationwide.

Throughout history, the theLGBTQ+ community has been marginalized and persecuted. They have been banned from marrying, serving in the military, and other fundamental rights.

Thankfully, things have changed in recent years. The TheLGBTQ+ community is now more visible than ever and is slowly gaining more rights and acceptance.

The LGBTQ+ community has made great strides in recent years, with more people coming out demanding their rights. However, they still face many challenges. Here are five of the most common problems that LGBTQ+ couples face today.


Despite the progress made, LGBTQ+ couples still face discrimination in many areas of their lives. For example, they may be denied housing, jobs, or public services because of their sexual orientation or gender identity. This can make it difficult for them to live their lives openly and find the acceptance they deserve.

For example, last year, the LGBTQ+ community suffered a significant setback when the Trump administration announced that they would be repealing the Obama-era protections for transgender students. It means that transgender students will no longer be able to use the bathroom that corresponds with their gender identity. It’s a major step back for the LGBTQ+ community and will only lead to more discrimination and hate crimes against transgender people.

Other examples of discrimination that LGBTQ+ couples face include being refused service at restaurants or being harassed in public. These incidents can be very hurtful and make it difficult for the couple to feel safe and accepted. But at least these incidents are rare when compared to before

Interracial same sex couple having marital problems

Healthcare Discrimination

LGBTQ+ couples also face discrimination when seeking healthcare. In many cases, healthcare providers will refuse to treat them or will provide poor care. This can be dangerous for the couple, as they may not be able to get the medical treatment they need.

For example, transgender patients were more likely to experience harassment and abuse from healthcare providers. They were also more likely to be denied care or given inferior care. It’s a major problem, as transgender people often have difficulty accessing quality healthcare.

Parenting Rights

LGBTQ+ couples also face difficulties when trying to start a family. In many cases, they are not allowed to adopt children, or they are not given the same rights as heterosexual couples. This can be difficult for the couple, as they may want to start a family but cannot do so due to discrimination.

For example, in some states, denying same-sex and LGBTQ+ couples the right to adopt children is still legal. Unfortunately, these children are often left in the foster system or adopted by heterosexual couples. It’s a significant problem, as it deprives children of loving homes and leaves them at risk for abuse or neglect.

Thankfully, in some states, adoption among same-sex couples has been legal. Moreover, advancements in the legal system have made it possible for LGBT+ custody rights to be implemented. It’s a good step in the right direction as these couples go through things typical couples experience, including divorce. In addition, it pushes LGBTQ+ couples to be more normalized in society.

However, there is still a long way to go before LGBTQ+ couples have the same rights as heterosexual couples.

Mental Health Issues

LGBTQ+ couples also face higher rates of mental health issues. It can be due to the stress of living in a society that is not always accepting, or it can be due to the discrimination they face. Either way, it’s a significant problem that needs to be addressed.

For example, studies have shown that LGBT+ youth are more likely to experience anxiety and depression than their heterosexual peers. It’s often due to the bullying and discrimination they face. It’s a significant problem, leading to severe mental health issues later in life.

It can also be problematic for their children. As their children grow up, they may not have the same support system that heterosexual children have. It can make them marginalized in society, despite not having the chance to voice their feelings.

Fortunately, many organizations are working to help the LGBTQ+ community. These organizations provide support and resources to help couples deal with their challenges.

Despite the challenges, it’s important to remember that the LGBTQ+ community has made great strides in recent years. Of course, there is still a long way to go, but the progress made is very encouraging.

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