Close up of male hand packing cardboard box

Simpler Life: Essential Guide to Letting Go Before Your Move

Living practically all of your life in one place might give you a feeling of being unable to grow or even breathe anymore. If it’s getting to you and giving you stress, it might be a sign that you need a change of environment and pace. However, moving isn’t as easy as just going from Point A to Point B.

There are many elements that you have to think about, and one of them is which of your belongings you are bringing with you to your new home. If you’re still doubtful when it comes to that matter, then you should try making these three lists.

Goodwill List

There are generally two categories of items for a move. One of those is the non-essentials, and it can be further divided into two — the giveaways and the disposables. The first subgroup is composed of items that you can either sell for a cancer charity donation, give to friends and family, or any similar action.

These are the objects that you don’t see the value in keeping, but they’re still in a good enough condition for you to prevent them from being thrown away. Since they’re just going to bring clutter to your new home, it’s best just to let them go so that other people may use them.

The Expendables

Young smiling couple relaxing in the middle of cardboard boxes

These are the items that have no use at all or are too broken for the previous category. It’s best to recognize these objects as soon as you can in order for you to clear up your inventory. It’s obvious that you’re going to have to dispose of them, but you may want to consider some materials for recycling.

For example, certain metals can be brought to junk shops in exchange for a bit of money. You’ll be able to help the community reuse more resources and, at the same time, reduce clutter and earn a small amount as well.

Keeper’s List

Of course, there will be belongings of yours that you won’t be able to move without. But which ones are those, you ask? Think of and take note of what kinds of items you’ll need when you move to your new place. Which ones should grace the living room? What about the kitchen, bedroom, or garden?

If you have any objects that will be useful when you change residences, you should include them in this list. In fact, this can already serve as your packing inventory.

Regardless of the size of your new property, you still have to make adjustments. Moving is a monumental task, and the more stuff you have to bring with you, the longer it’ll take to settle in. Also, any objects that are connected to bad memories will weigh you down emotionally if you keep them.

A new home and environment should also mean a new life for you. Let go of what you don’t need and benefit others in the process. At the same time, make sure to keep the ones that you can still use after the move.

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