black american woman pouring alcohol on her hand while working at the office

How Technology Helps Communities in the New Normal

The pandemic forced us all into our own little bubble of isolation. It would’ve been understandable for us to come out of it with a greater focus on ourselves as an individual or on our immediate circles. However, we see that’s not quite the case. When you go through a harrowing experience alongside the entire world, you genuinely get to see just how interconnected we really are. The same global pandemic brought with it a unique set of highs and lows for each of us.

No one sector of the population purely benefited or was adversely affected by the new normal. It’s been a mixed bag for all of us. However, those of us certainly had a significantly more difficult time coping with the pandemic. These members of society triggered a greater sense of community within us as we saw just how intensely they were affected. 

Big and small businesses alike saw significant hits to their bottom line, and some were even forced to close down completely. Single parent households struggled to navigate the increased childcare needs as schools shut down and switched to virtual learning. Front liners and other medical professionals continued to juggle fighting against the pandemic while still considering their own health. Across all industries, businesses have been pushed to change or be left behind.

Technology has been a common thread between companies and communities, making it through the pandemic as these modern times offer creative solutions for problems in the new normal. 


Bigger businesses in retail, consumer goods, and the food industry have successfully incorporated technology and e-commerce avenues into their organizations. One great example is grocery chains that have come out with applications specifically developed to connect you with a personal shopper that will deliver your groceries straight to your door. How about that smaller business that couldn’t afford such drastic changes?

The great news is that society has also shone a spotlight on supporting local businesses over more prominent companies during the pandemic. Smaller businesses don’t necessarily have the same wiggle room as more prominent brands to change their company structures and operational capabilities. That hasn’t stopped local businesses from integrating technology where they can.

More robust social media strategies that provide consumers with updated operating hours, product availability, delivery options, and other relevant information have been a great way to keep the market informed. Social media can also be a great way to shorten the customer feedback loop and gain essential insights straight from your consumers. 


Households that hold single-parent families or even those with extended families have seen some significant changes to their daily routines. Single parents have needed to take on greater child care responsibilities as schools shut down, which kept children at home. If they were also simultaneously working from home or were employed as essential workers during school hours, this proved quite challenging.

Technology was also able to provide some creative solutions for this problem in the form of smart homes or nest systems. These audio and video equipment pieces integrated into our homes can help keep track of occupied rooms, open doors, and even offer live video feeds you can access from a wide array of devices. This made working in one part of the home and watching over the children easier and more manageable. Bigger families also saw more technological integration in the form of additional entertainment options such as streaming and gaming to allow families to bond and have lighthearted fun together. 


man doing curl ups

The pandemic also showed us the importance of our health, both physically and mentally. Staying within the confines of our home offered fewer opportunities for exercise. We saw how even the walk to work or taking the stairs affected our overall endurance. Gyms and personal trainers were quick to jump at the opportunity to cater to an apparent demand for fitness. Online training sessions over different communications platforms allowed them to guide people on the proper form and exercises meant to be done at home.

Gyms were also quick to partner with suppliers in providing online shops for home workout equipment. Our mental health also took a beating as we became more anxious, easily stressed, and uneasy. Therapy sessions and even other forums of discussions pursued digitalization as they moved meetings online. Grief, cancer, brain injury survivor support groups and other 12-step programs held their meetings virtually to continue supporting each other despite the distance. 

The pandemic has caused some catastrophic results all over the globe, but it has also brought out the humanity in a lot of sectors of society. Showcasing that even in adversity, we thrive on connecting. Technology in the modern age has made that yearning for connection all the more achievable.

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